Every participant under the age of 18 must have a signed waiver submitted in advance.

Facility Usage and Indemnity Liability Waiver ("Agreement")
Team Name

1.  It is understood that my child (participant's name above) will be participating on a team that will utilize LCA's facility for practice.  In exchange for and as consideration in part of authorization to use the Property as specified and defined in this Agreement, the above name child, and parents or guardians (named below)  hereby agrees to defend, protect, indemnify and hold harmless LCA and its trustees from any and all claims, injuries, medical bills, damages or costs, (including attorney's fees incurred by LCA as a result of having to enforce this indemnity obligation) arising from or otherwise stemming from injuries or damages that may occur as the result of using any facilities and or equipment on the LCA campus.  This indemnity includes, but is not limited to the negligence or fault on the part of LCA or any of its agents, representatives, employees, officers, volunteers, or organization members.

I agree and understand that this indemnify obligation shall have no limit in time or amount and shall survive complete of activities on mentioned dates above.

2.  My child and their team are responsible for cleaning the facilities and leaving the property in the same condition as it was when they arrived.

3.  I understand that this facility is a school and as such all school rules and policies must be followed when on school property.  This includes but is not limited to:  the prohibition of the use of profanity, alcohol, or tobacco (including dip) anywhere on school grounds.   According to Federal Law, no firearms are permitted anywhere on campus, including vehicles.  In addition, no pets are allowed on school property at any time.

If any sentence or paragraph of this Facility Usage and Indemnity Agreement is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance thereof shall continue in full force and effect.